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Accountants: We're the Number People

Posted On: 06/02/2024 / Payroll Services
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The Number's Game Is Our Jam

Most of us have a personal accountant to help us with our finances and paying taxes, and maybe some of us even endured some tedious college accounting classes, but if you’re a small to medium sized business owner, why do you need a whole team of accountants?

Let’s be honest. In the words of beloved interviewee and internet phenomenon, ain’t nobody got time for… doing their own accounting. When you’re running a business, we want your focus to be 100% on production, managing your team, and creating new ideas for the future. At PayTech, we take on the mess of paperwork that goes on behind the scenes. Our accountants are The Number People. We believe that you should get all your accounting needs taken care of for a fixed rate- not a pay-as-you-go service. Clean numbers are easy numbers (that accountants love). Have you seen how many accounting and tax services we offer (whether you choose to use all of them or not)?

Trusted Accountants and Tax Advisors

  • We cover all your bookkeeping needs from balance sheets to registering payroll.
  • Keep you informed- without the complications. Our statement of revenue and expenses and detailed general ledger keeps you in control of your business.
  • Our trusted QuickBooks advisors are essentially your very own glorified accountants (okay, maybe not…but don’t tell them that).
  • We are constantly available for financial advice- for both your business accounts and your personal accounts.
  • The year is planned around getting the most in tax savings, legal deductions, and avoiding unwarranted penalties. You’re in good hands.
  • Our legal, accounting, and tax team is constantly monitoring changing laws, new equipment and real estate sales, and other comparative financial reports to keep your business at the forefront of the market.

It might be a stretch, but we would like to call ourselves to cool kids at the accounting table. Our accountants and financial team are more than you typical accounting department. Sure, we are experts in payroll, accounts payable and receivable, and inventory But don’t you want a team that does something different? At PayTech, you’ll find innovators, explorers, and financial wizards- all at your disposal. Give us a call today to assemble your team and start saving (and making) money with your small business!