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Books That Don't Balance And Other Accounting Horrors

Posted On: 09/27/2024 / Payroll Services
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Book Balancing & Accounting Can Be Hauntingly Simple

We think one of the most satisfying things in the world is a perfectly balanced balance sheet. (Or are we alone in that…?) Either way, we’re hooked. Here at PayTech our passion is small business. We have helped companies thrive since 1979 (36 years to be exact- you can check our math). Because we are a family owned and run company, we understand customer service. Our packages include exceptional service between our representatives, accountants, and HR people and you, but also between your company and your clients. We make sure your company is running smoothly from the moment we take over, even if you didn’t start that way.

Terror in the Books

One time, we had an *unnamed* client who came to us in their lowest moment of exasperation. Into our Phoenix office they ran, arms full of miscellaneous papers, hair heading in confusing directions, and a crazed, zombie-like look in their eye. Instead of contacting the Pentagon that the walking dead outbreak had finally happened, our team immediately grabbed our coffees and calculators and got to work. What existed of their accounting department were some loosely jotted notes on each side of the Asset and Liabilities line, along with a hand-written document containing the dates, amounts, and recipients of their payroll. As much as we appreciate some old-school bookkeeping, any small business should always have clean, organized digital files for each of their books. The first thing we look at always is the accounting books. Balanced books are necessary for financial security.

Balanced Books, Balanced Minds

Our trusted accounting and tax advisors are meticulously organized (it’s a little scary). We have a checklist that we customize to fit your business and employees. As always, these tools are all available for you to check at any time (and we send you reports constantly to keep you in the loop).

Here is our crucial accounting checklist:
  • Statement of Revenue & Expenses
  • Detailed General Ledger
  • BALANCED Balance Sheet
  • Journal Entries and Check Register
  • QuickBooks Pro Advisor and reports
  • Payroll Register
  • Bank Reconciliation
  • Comparative Financial Statements
  • Balance and Other Accounting
Customize Accounting and Tax Solutions

Give PayTech a shout today to get your company in order and clean out the cobwebs of your unbalanced books!