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Payroll, Accounting and HR in Phoenix AZ

Posted On: 09/20/2024 / Payroll Services
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Human Resources, Accounting & Payroll Services

Let’s have a heart-to-heart. As a business-owner, when you hire outside companies and contractors to help streamline your business or provide new dimensions to your clients, you don’t really want them to interfere with the heart of the operation. We get it! Outsourcing can be scary! Granted, not in an Exorcist-coming-for-you-at-night scary, but the loss of 100% control over your dream is a hard thing to be comfortable with. That’s why at PayTech our goal is not to invade your business, but to have your company invade ours. We make your business our business.

Accounting and HR in Phoenix AZ

Since 1979, our family-owned business has made it our business to offer customer service and small business organization packages at unbeatable prices. (That’s 36 years of incorporating ourselves into other’s companies and making them better, not different.) So what exactly do we offer? We provide technical business organization, reliance, and advisement (depending on the package you sign up for). In simpler terms, we provide peace of mind knowing that things are getting done ON TIME.

Hear it from past clients

When I approached PayTech, my bakery was just entering a time of expansion. I was opening new branches and hiring by the week, and the money was flying everywhere. I felt buried by it all! I have always been organized, but making sure the payroll, HR, and accounting is always done on time, every time became a burden. I forgot to enjoy my business’s success! PayTech changed everything. -Jordan;

“Being an accountant myself as well as a business owner I not need the help of professionals like PayTech, but know without them I wold not be nearly as successful in my day to day operations.” – Samantha

Payroll Accounting and HR in Phoenix AZ

Timing is about two things: consistency and reliance. At PayTech, we handle the number-crunching and check-organizing on time, every time so that you don’t have to. We get to know the DNA of your organization in order to create a plan that works for your size, product/services, and locations. Our team of accountants, project managers, and agents work 100% digitally, organizing your monthly reports and keeping track of all information. Give us a call and get your business in order so that you can focus on the future!