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Social Media And Small Business: Hashtags And Dollar Signs

Posted On: 09/27/2024 / Payroll Services
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Social Media Can Grow Your Small Business Drastically!

The world of social media is both a happy place and a scary place. From funny tweets to constant photos of celebrity babies to catfishing and cyber-bullying, it’s tough to decide if you want your company on board or not. Let’s make the decision right now: say to social media. We love our social media accounts (check em out for a steady stream of tips, discounts, and really lame jokes). It’s all about grabbing attention for the split second that someone looks at a post (quite literally it is less than a second or two before their eyes move on). Social media platforms, Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, and Pinterest, to name a few, have become the core of multi-million dollar marketing campaigns, generating interest in products and services from therapy to Taco Bell. It’s all about being quick, effective, and funny. At PayTech, our goal is make your business as efficient as possible with the technical stuff that way YOU can focus on expansion and your public face. As your small business grows through social media, we are right there to aid in that expansion.

Social Media for Your Business

Act like any social media platform is a cocktail party you were invited to where you don’t really know anybody. You’d walk around introducing yourself. You might talk about your kids or your job in an attempt to make half-hearted small talk with strangers. Wouldn’t it be so much easier if you knew what you had in common with the other partygoers? Social media allows for that. Connect with other businesses both local and international and talk directly to interested consumers without even leaving your desk (although we didn’t say cocktails aren’t still allowed).

Variety, Variety, Variety

The death blow to any social media account is boring content. Keep it different. Shocking, even. Go for funny over advertise-y! If a reader is looking at your company’s Facebook page for any reason, they are already aware of your brand’s colors, intention, and tone. Say something related to your field that they haven’t heard before. Instead of saying Buy our life insurance because we won North Phoenix Business of the Year, say We might break our backs with how heavy this Business of the Year trophy is…Anyone know a good life insurance agent?

Branding is Key

If you choose a tone and a certain line of topics to talk about, keep it consistent. People will like your page or follow your stream if they know what to expect (and they like like it). If you’re going to make pop culture references in association with your mowing company, keep doing it. Use popular hashtags and topics to widen your audience and never be afraid to post. There is a fear that once it’s on the internet, it’s there forever. omg We’re not advocating sending lewd photos or having overtly colorful language…but don’t be afraid to be trigger happy with your page’s post. Keeping your page current and active is the only way to maintain your social media brand.

Even the IRS is On Board with Social Media

In a release about a year ago, the IRS reminded taxpayers that it was active and current on its social media accounts. They have a YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, and Tumblr accounts that help get the latest tax info and refund status updates out to the public. Check out their Twitter feeds @IRSnews, @IRSenEspanol, @IRStaxpros, and @YourVoiceAtIRS to see what all the fuss is about.

That said, if an institution that we all know (and love) is active on its social media feeds in order to provide tax information, shouldn’t your business tap into that universal market too? Talk to us about the results of expanding your business using social media. As your business grows, we grow with you! From Payroll to HR services, the PayTech teams keeps your paperwork as up-to-date as your Facebook wall. Write on our Facebook wall or send us a message to learn more!