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10 Human Resource Tips for Office Managers

Posted On: 06/08/2024 / Human Resource Management
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10 Human Resource Tips for Office Managers

The Human Resource Department is one of the most important departments of any business. It is not only often in charge of hiring and firing employees, but it helps the company to stay in compliance with the various laws concerning employment. If you’re an office manager, it’s important that you are able to implement the policies of this department with ease. Doing so may require you to know a few good human resource tips

Basic Human Resource Tips

If you don’t already have a background in HR, it can be difficult to figure out exactly what you are supposed to do. Fortunately, those who have experience in the field have written and spoken extensively about the best ways office managers can properly implement human resources practices that fall within their own areas of responsibility. Below are just ten of the best ways that office managers can help make sure that their companies stay compliant with HR rules and remain on the right side of the various laws in place to protect workers.

Know Your HR Team

It’s always a good idea to get to know the people with whom you work. If you are an office manager, it’s a good idea to go out of your way to get to know the members of your human resources department. This will help you know who to turn to when there is an HR issue and make you feel more comfortable coming to those individuals whenever you have a question. If you are willing to get to know the members of HR, it’s also more likely that your subordinates will feel comfortable talking to them as well.

tips for office managers

Read The Rules

Your HR team should have an employee rule book available to outline the company’s policies. While it’s certainly a good idea to make sure that every employee has access to this book, it’s even more important that office managers are actually aware of what’s written within. You should memorize basic information about the things that might impact the day-to-day running of your office, including rules on topics like illnesses, absences, and even harassment. The more you know off the top of your head, the less likely it will be that you are caught unaware by a situation.

Plan Ahead

If you want to effectively implement any HR strategy, you’ve got to start working on it before an emergency strikes. This means planning ahead for what might happen instead of trying to scramble and deal with what’s currently going on in the office. Keep an eye on trends and start working towards the kind of office community that you hope you’ll have in the future. While you certainly cannot plan for everything, you can absolutely put in the work to make sure that you’ve got most of your potential bases covered.

Bring in Hiring Help

Your HR department can be an incredible asset when hiring, so don’t be afraid to use them. Not only are these professionals up to date on the latest hiring rules and regulations, but they spend a great deal of time dealing with interpersonal relationships and workplace attitudes. Your HR team may well be able to spot a great potential employee long before you ever meet them in person, so don’t be afraid to bring in someone from HR for a bit of help during the hiring process.

tips for office managers


Never stop communicating with those in your office. The best way for you to deal with problems before they become HR nightmares is to solve them early. If you notice an issue with an employee, talk to him or her as soon as possible. You don’t have to dig into personal situations, but you can keep yourself aware of what’s going on in the office.

Be An Example

If you can’t follow the rules, it’s hard to expect your employees to do so. As such, you need to break yourself of bad habits and hold yourself accountable for your own mistakes. If you can lead by example, many of your employees will follow you without requiring you to say a word. This is also a spectacular way to prove that your business has a commitment to following its own HR rules, as an employee who has an issue will not be able to accuse you of contributing to an environment that runs afoul of those rules.

Remain Professional

It’s your job as an office manager to stay professional. This means a certain degree of separation from your employees. This doesn’t mean that you should be standoffish or unfriendly, but rather that you must keep enough distance that you are able to be objective when someone comes to you with a problem. Remember, your job is to keep your office functioning smoothly, even if that means making decisions that could make you unpopular with some of your office staff.

Keep Learning

As an office manager, you’re in a position that requires you to be ahead of the curve when it comes to HR policies. Never stop learning, even once you’ve read the rule book. If there are current issues that are impacting nearby workplaces, try to learn how to handle them before they become problems in your own workplace. Educate yourself so that you can continue to be effective even as your office continues to change.

Ask for Help

Never be afraid to ask for help from the HR department when you’re stuck on a personnel problem. While it’s important that your subordinates know that you are in charge, it’s always better to turn to those with more experience or knowledge when you’re not sure what the right answer might be.

tips for office managers

Be Willing to Change Your Mind

In addition to the tip above, it’s also important for good office managers to be flexible. If you’re willing to change your mind due to new information, you’ll be able to better work out many problems and remain in compliance with HR issues. Don’t be stuck in your ways – work towards making the best decisions, not just the decisions that show that you are right.

Always remember that a good office manager should work with HR to make sure that the company’s policies are properly implemented. If you are an office manager or a business owner who is concerned about how well his or her managers and HR departments work together, it’s often a good idea to turn to professionals for help. If you’re ready to learn what you need to know to succeed, start by contacting PayTech for more information and to sign up for their newsletter.