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Effective Employee Manual Templates

Posted On: 06/29/2024 / Payroll Services
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Templates For Manuals

Employee manual templates can be an effective tool if you’re looking to write a new manual or update a pre-existing one. Employee handbooks are a must for every business, regardless of size or type. An informative, well-written manual has many far-reaching benefits, providing advantages to the new employee, executives, and the hr department alike. A business’s employee handbook effectively orients new workers to the company. It provides them with indispensable information on what is expected from them, and what they can expect working there. It is a valuable communication tool that describes the rights of an employee, as well as an employer’s legal obligations. Although this may seem to be solely for the employee’s benefit, the most important purpose of an employee manual template is for the employer- it is a direct statement of the employer’s rights and expectations. This makes expectations very clear and protects people on both sides, and can help prevent possible legal disputes.

What Makes a Good Employee Manual Template

There are certain key pieces of information that must be included in an employee manual for it to be effective and truly complete. Keep in mind that these are intended to be broad topics, which can be added to or modified to meet most businesses needs. Here’s an outline of the most important topics and resources to incorporate.

  • An introduction with your company culture, values and/or goals. This is a good opportunity to let them know who you really are.
  • It is absolutely paramount that you emphasize the nature of the employment as at-will employment and that the receipt of the handbook in no way guarantees employment (non-contract clause).
  • Policies are a mainstay of any manual, and it is up to you which you want to keep, include, revise or discard. Some that are good protection against lawsuits and releases you from liability are: sexual harassment policies, termination policies, and non-discrimination policies.
  • Equal opportunity employment statement and information on Americans with Disabilities Act.
  • After policies, employment should be discussed. This includes employment classification, definition of full-time and part-time employees, scheduling, employee conduct, attendance, and discipline.
  • Compensation should be covered in respect to pay, time reporting, different types of pay (overtime or on call) and pay schedules.
  • Outline the benefits your company offers.
  • Include your policy about time off/leave, and paid time off such as sick days, vacation, or holidays. You may also include family leave, medical leave, time off to vote, for the military, maternity leave… etc.
  • Workplace safety
  • Be sure to include an acknowledgment of receipt.
Links to Our Favorite Employee Manual Templates
Employee Manual Templates #1 from Society for Human Resource Management- Go to this link and click on the “Sample Employee Handbook” link.
Employee Manual Templates #2 for small businesses from the NFIB Legal Foundation
Employee Manual Templates #3 from the National Council of Nonprofit Associations
Employee Manual Templates #4 from the Small Business Administration
PayTech is Your Guide for All Things HR

Your employees are the power behind your company, and it pays to have them be prepared and informed from day one. Having an effective employee handbook gets your new talent thoroughly acquainted with your company, and their role in it. It is a go-to guide for all of the most pertinent information and frequently asked questions. It is HR’s go-to for disciplinary measures. PayTech are the HR support experts, with a complete package that brings you from hiring, onboarding and benefits, to unemployment. Part of our package is providing you with an employee manual customized to your business. At PayTech, we get you back to doing what you do best, running your business.