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How to Lose Friends and Alienate People: HR Support Edition

Posted On: 06/02/2024 / Payroll Services
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The Good, Bad, & Ugly

Let’s get real. In any office, there is always a part of yourself that you have to hide or keep under wraps in order to adhere to and maintain the office peace. There’s no dancing in your underwear in front of the microwave as your deconstructed lasagna leftovers heat up for lunch. No skipping from cubicle to cubicle because it’s Friday and you just can’t stop, won’t stop. No kissing the receptionist on the face when she covers for your tardiness without being asked…

Are all emotions and reactions stunted by that dreaded Human Resources Department?

Basic HR Rule One: Don’t Touch

You can quickly become the office pariah if you’re overly touchy (even in a nice and friendly kind of way). Men and women alike keep to themselves in the workplace. It’s what makes a space professional versus casual. HR departments get complaints about physical contact all the time. Step one to keeping yourself and your co-workers happy (not to mention reducing the amount of HR paperwork): don’t touch the humans.

Basic HR Rule Two: Respect the Hierarchy

In every office there is a tiered system of leadership. You don’t have a ship with three captains or a country with four presidents have you ever heard of a monarchy with two monarchs? A company flows smoothly and efficiently with a set hierarchy that is respected and followed (not to mention, everyone is generally happier, more organized, and more profitable). HR teams help to mitigate any transitions within your company’s system. The best way to lose friends and alienate people in the workplace? Rebel against the company’s structure.

Basic HR Rule Three: Keep Your Deadlines

Everyone has their bad weeks. PayTech’s HR team understands! Our team helps keep everyone in the office on the same page, regardless of their skill set and department. Personnel file maintenance and customized employee manuals make sure that everyone keeps on task and on time. After all, there’s nothing like being the weakest link in the chain. With PayTech’s HR Support, the chain has no weak links.

HR Support and Development

Here at PayTech, we understand that every company’s DNA is different. Some small businesses are like a family and some require more intense restrictions. That’s why we provide a custom HR Support System for each and every one of our clients. We are only there when you need us (aka we’ll make the tough calls and do your dirty work- so you can focus on creativity and opportunity for your future business). Discover the potential of your business if you leave HR, Payroll, and Accounting to PayTech.