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HR Solutions in Phoenix: The Game Needs Refs

Posted On: 07/03/2024 / Payroll Services
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Navigating HR Solutions For Phoenix Businesses

Let’s talk little league. Flashback to being around nine or ten, running around on Saturday mornings in the cooling grass, eating orange slices after the game. The roughhousing between teams on the grass was nothing compared to the sidelined parents, bursting with cheers and dissents alike. If we’re being honest with ourselves, the battle raged more in the stands between the adults than actually on the field! At PayTech, we’re the referees who keep the peace. Often times our HR solutions in Phoenix act like the refs at a little league game (standing between the kids and the parents alike). After all, the games must go on.

HR Solutions in Phoenix: PEO & ASO Services

PEO Services

We are a professional employer organization (PEO), which means that we provide a variety of game-keeping services that an employer outsources to us. These management services include employee benefits, payroll and worker’s compensation, recruitment, risk and safety management, and training. Plainly, we make your job a whole lot easier by taking on some of the not-so-fun parts of running a business.

ASO Services

Administrative services only or ASO services is similar to PEO in that it outsources certain administrative tasks to an outside firm (us!). While your company funds its own employee benefits, pensions, and health insurance, we take care of managing and (you guessed it) administering the plans among the employees. This is a huge burden off your shoulders because these plans can get complicated and messy- fast!

COBRA Administration

Now lets talk the rules of the game. As cool as it sounds, no, COBRA is not a secret team of government ninjas. (We were disappointed too.) The Consolidated Omnibus Reconciliation Act or COBRA Administration is a law that came about in 1985 that gives employees the right to health insurance coverage as a group, even after leaving their job. Basically, the employee has the right to remain covered for a period of time (and sometimes on a self-pay basis). However, these laws change and fluctuate periodically- so it helps to have a referee in your business who stays up to date on the rules!

HR Solutions in Phoenix

What’s better than a custom support system designed to make your business run more smoothly? Absolutely nothing. (Except maybe a letter to Hogwarts or a frozen chocolate banana). Partner with our HR solutions in Phoenix team of professionals for reduced costs, heavier protection, and higher employee benefits for your small business.