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Recruiting Strategies for Human Resources

Posted On: 06/02/2024 / Payroll Services
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Strategies of Recruitment For Human Resources

Hiring new employees can be exciting. The need to hire is hopefully a sign of company growth, which is a huge reason to celebrate! But even the most seasoned human resources veteran can be overwhelmed by the demands of hiring new employees. Here, we have outlined some recruiting strategies to eliminate as much of the hassle as possible.

Recruiting strategies to find new employees

The first step to writing an effective job description is to have a precise idea of the type of person you would like to hire, which skills they must have and which are negotiable, as well as how you can best describe the responsibilities of the position.

How to write an effective job description

When writing the job description, you will need to be as direct as possible and clearly articulate which attributes are mandatory and which may be compensated for with strengths in other areas. Giving readers a realistic understanding of what their potential new job will entail will help you to weed out would-be applicants who have anxiety about something like cold calling, for example.

How to communicate your company’s culture

The next step in writing an effective job description is to take it up a notch and communicate your company’s culture through your words. If you work in a very conservative industry and everyone in the office is expected to maintain a formal business demeanor, you will likely be sticking with typical job descriptions.

But not many organizations really function that way. Sure, you want to maintain your professionalism, but if your office gets together on Fridays to play foosball and brainstorm the next great ad campaign for your clients, mention it in the ad! You might even list “mad foosball skills” as one of the desired (but not necessary) requirements of the position. A job description is not a legal document, which means you can take on a tone that matches the personality of your business. It is one of the recruiting strategies we share with human resource professionals the most!

Get to know your applicant

Is everyone at your office really into their coffee? Is there an espresso machine in the break room? Ask applicants to mention their favorite espresso drink or to discuss the merits of French Press over drip coffee in their cover letter. Their answer may not matter directly in their ability to complete the technical aspects of their job, but it will help you suss out candidates who are more likely to get along with everyone else in the workplace because of shared interests. We know of one restaurant who asked prospective waiters to list their favorite Glee character in their cover letter.

In addition to being fun (if that is your company’s thing), you will also want to challenge applicants to prove that they are worthy of a second look. If you are hiring a graphic designer, for example, you should absolutely require work samples as part of the application process and make clear that you will not consider applications without them. If you are hiring a writer, mention in the job description that a timed, in-office writing test will be part of the application process. Very few people will be dumb enough to apply with the writing sample their friend or nerdy older sister lent to them.

Top places to recruit new employees online

First things first, make sure to post the job description on your own company website and social media files. Who knows? Maybe there is someone out there who already loves your company and who is a perfect fit for your position. Also, this gives people within your network the ability to easily share the job description online via their own social media accounts.

Focus on the type of person you want to hire

Deciding where else to post your job description will depend a lot on the type of person you are looking to hire as well. If you are at the formal firm we mentioned earlier, LinkedIn or Monster will be likely candidates. However, websites like Craigslist kill the competition in terms of traffic and can be among our favorite recruiting strategies if you are looking to hire a quirky, great with customers, works flexible hours type of person.

Top-notch recruiting strategies for every industry

If you find that your human resources department is overtaxed–or if the business owner is also the human resources department–contact us to ask about our HR support services. In addition to top-notch recruiting strategies for every industry, we can also help with COBRA administration, customized employee manuals, personnel file maintenance (payroll, garnishments, deductions, etc.), pre-employment background check options and drug screenings, unemployment claims administration and more! We are happy to help as much or as little as your business needs.